Wednesday, September 19, 2007

God Bless the Child

My son, James, teaches me so many lessons. The other day, he asked Brandie what her favorite verse in the New Testament book of James was. After she answered he told her his favorite: James 1:1, "James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ." His reason: "Because that's what I want to be."

The Christ-life really should reduce to that, shouldn't it? I tend to complicate things, but James sees right to the point.

If I saw myself as a slave of God, totally at His service, how would my actions be different today?


Pam Yates said...

Thanks so much for sharing J's comments, which show where his heart is committed to. I have been praying for you with the TD and the anxiety that must cause (Phil 4:6). With the mention of TD, how about those Sooners? Would you and the family enjoy t-shirts to show your spirit? Would love to see you all again!

Brian Upshaw said...

The Sooners are certainly doing better than GT. They just lost AGAIN! We'll pass on the T-shirts.

Donna Taylor said... boy is growing up so fast. I wish we could all see things as simply as children. You are right we adults seem to complicate things way too much.